Formerly Achieve Behavioral Health
Looking for drug or alcohol addiction treatment in South Carolina?
Whether this is your first time seeking treatment for yourself or your loved one, or you’ve tried other addiction treatment in South Carolina with no success, Vertical Treatment Centers is here to help. We are an outpatient family medicine clinic focused on addiction. We take a unique approach to treating drug and alcohol addiction, centered around individual needs, mental health, and overall wellness.
Let’s get something clear: this isn’t your typical rehab program or counseling session.
This is not AA. It’s not a generic alcohol and drug rehab. It’s not detox. And we’re not here to judge anyone. Or pressure anyone. Or tell you to change. That’s up to you. We’re just here to point the way and give you the resources and treatment you need to free yourself from the prison of addiction and dependency once and for all.
Opioid Addiction Treatment
Opioid addiction can have a powerful, suffocating hold that can feel impossible to break, leaving you feeling powerless. We offer counseling, as well as Suboxone treatment at our South Carolina treatment center making recovery easier for you or your loved one, improving the overall chances of success.
Substance Abuse Treatment
For those with substance use disorder, living a normal life can seem impossible. Thanks to our integrated “mental health first” approach, our outpatient drug treatment centers in South Carolina will help you or your loved one reduce their dependence on drugs and alcohol and stay on the road to recovery.
Meth Addiction Treatment
Meth addiction is often considered one of the hardest addictions to break, and the stigma often prevents functional addicts from getting help. Our addiction treatment programs are specifically geared to help methamphetamine users break through the barriers that stand in their way.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcoholism is a contributing factor for several of the most common causes of death, including COPD, several types of cancers, and acute alcohol poisoning. Our outpatient alcohol addiction treatment program can help you or your loved one safely kick alcohol once and for all.
Outpatient Addiction Treatment
Not all patients need to stay in rehab, and not all patients are able to do a full stay. We offer outpatient addiction treatment programs for opioid addiction, alcohol addiction, meth addiction, and much more.
Medication Assisted Treatment
At Vertical Treatment Centers, we look for the most effective methods of dealing with addiction and reducing the risk of relapse. Our medication assisted treatment programs for drug and alcohol addiction use the best of what science has to offer, along with mental health counseling and individualized care.
Individual Counseling
Everyone’s story is different, and addiction problems stem from a web of factors that are unique to each individual. Without understanding these factors, addiction programs are unlikely to work. This is why we offer individual mental health counseling to our patients, in addition to all our other services.
Group Therapy
One of the most effective ways to kick addiction is to be part of a supportive community of like minded people. Our group therapy services provide a judgment-free environment for you to openly talk about your struggles, as well as hear from others in similar situations, so you know you’re not alone.
Our “no judgment” and individualized approach to behavioral health makes us the premier drug and alcohol treatment clinic in South Carolina. We understand the root causes of addiction on a medical and psychological level, allowing us to give you the tools to kick the habit once and for all. You don’t have to suffer alone. Give Vertical Treatment Centers a call today.
How treatment works at Vertical Treatment Centers
Get Started
Meet with your team
Meet with a medical team member and your therapist to complete the assessment process, develop a personalized treatment plan, and receive prescriptions based on your needs.
Reach your goals
Continue to attend individual and/or group counseling, complete toxicology screens, and meet with medical team members to progress toward your goals.