Drug & Alcohol Treatment Clinics in Columbia, SC
The team at Vertical Treatment Centers in Columbia, SC has helped hundreds of people overcome their drug and alcohol addictions through our addiction treatment programs.
Vertical Treatment Centers Columbia, SC
Vertical Treatment Centers West Columbia, SC
Irmo, SC 29063, USA
Addiction Recovery & Treatment Options in Columbia, SC.
Opioid Addiction
Meth Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Substance Use Treatment
In addition to addiction treatment services, we also offer counseling for:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anger Management
Grief and Loss
Couples and Family Counseling
Patient Retention
at 90 days, 56% better
than national averages
By The Numbers
Of All Patients
have compliant drug
tests each month
Of All Patients
attend counseling
every month
Patient Retention
at 90 days, 56% better
than national averages
Of All Patients
have compliant drug
tests each month
Of All Patients
attend counseling
every month
A Judgment-Free, Stigma-Free Environment For All
Our Columbia addiction treatment clinic is situated in Irmo, SC, and provides a wide range of therapeutic treatments, including medication-assisted treatment and mental health counseling. We are proud of the compassionate care we give, and of our stigma-free, nonjudgmental approach to addiction treatment. We believe everyone should have access to the help they need.
Give us a call at (803) 400-6538
or visit us at our COLUMBIA, SC location to get started!
No Judgment, No Stigma, Just Support
Vertical Treatment Centers’ providers recognize that addiction is a sickness that requires treatment, not judgement. We accept our patients as they are. This approach is critical to helping our patients overcome addiction.
How treatment works at Vertical Treatment Centers
Get Started
Meet with your team
Meet with a medical team member and your therapist to complete the assessment process, develop a personalized treatment plan, and receive prescriptions based on your needs.
Reach your goals
Continue to attend individual and/or group counseling, complete toxicology screens, and meet with medical team members to progress toward your goals.
FAQs about Addiction Treatment in Columbia, SC
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