Opioid Addiction Treatment Programs in South Carolina
If you’re looking for an opioid addiction treatment program in South Carolina, Vertical Treatment Centers is here for you.
Unlike most other opioid addiction treatment programs, such as methadone clinics and multi-step programs, we use a combination of mental health counseling and medication-assisted treatment to help patients overcome the barriers getting in the way of recovery.
Drug Related Overdoses
every day in South Carolina
The Stats
Babies Born in SC
dependent on opioids in 2020
Deaths from overdose
in SC every day
Drug Related Overdoses
Babies Born in SC
every day in South Carolina
dependent on opioids in 2020
Deaths from overdose
in SC every day
Vertical Treatment Centers offers group therapy, 1-on-1 counseling, and suboxone treatment solutions. To get started, call us at (864) 351-5570 or visit us at one of our South Carolina locations. To get started, call us at (864) 991-8884 or visit us at one of our South Carolina locations.
What are Opioids?
- Opioids are a group of drugs that include heroin, prescription painkillers, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. Prescription opioids are often used to manage pain after surgery, which is why many people become addicted to them.
- These drugs often cause euphoria after use, resulting in a powerful rush of pleasure. However, this euphoria is short-lived and can lead to a powerful addiction that can be difficult to break.
- Opioids have a high risk of overdose, particularly after a relapse. This is why it is important to seek help if you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction.
We’re Not a Detox Center
Suboxone Treatment in South Carolina
How treatment works at Vertical Treatment Centers
Get Started
Meet with your team
Meet with a medical team member and your therapist to complete the assessment process, develop a personalized treatment plan, and receive prescriptions based on your needs.
Reach your goals
Continue to attend individual and/or group counseling, complete toxicology screens, and meet with medical team members to progress toward your goals.